Part one: Magnify voices–creating an anthology

My article was first published in 2015 on the Writer’s Digest blog. An anthology has the power to magnify the voices of its contributors much like the device of a Greek Chorus in a play. The Chorus is the mouthpiece for the audience clarifying the theme of the play, adding commentary, asking questions, and narrating the action.  In an anthology, the contributors become the Chorus, fulfilling the same function, making sure the unique voice of that collection of work …

Part one: Magnify voices–creating an anthology Read More »

Thinking Inside the box

There are many benefits to using a sauna: *detoxification*stronger immune system*stress relief*better sleep*writing time Yes, you read that right-thirty minutes of uninterrupted writing time.  This is what happens in the box. FOCUSYou can’t leave. You can’t walk away from the paper and pencil. You need to do something to help the time pass.You write. Talk about Butt-In-Chair. “How to write: Butt in chair. Start each day anywhere. Let yourself do it …

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Are you using your super-power?

“Never go to sleep without  a request to your subconscious.”  ~Thomas Edison We’ve all had the experience of going to sleep thinking about our writing and waking up–in the the middle of the night–with just the right word or plot twist. Quick write it down so you don’t forget! No matter how hard I try, I can’t remember in the morning. Increase your writing superpower  while …

Are you using your super-power? Read More »