Thinking Inside the box

There are many benefits to using a sauna: 
*stronger immune system
*stress relief
*better sleep
*writing time

Yes, you read that right-thirty minutes of uninterrupted writing time.  This is what happens in the box.

You can’t leave. You can’t walk away from the paper and pencil. You need to do something to help the time pass.
You write. Talk about Butt-In-Chair.
“How to write: Butt in chair. Start each day anywhere. Let yourself do it badly. Just take one passage at a time. Get butt back in chair.” ~Anne Lamott

The temperature in an infrared sauna soaks into your bones.

“Basically, if you want to become a good writer, you need to do three things. Read a lot, listen well and deeply, and write a lot. And don’t think too much. Just enter the heat of words and sounds and colored sensations and keep your pen moving across the page. If you read good books, when you write, good books will come out of you. ~Natalie Goldberg

In the silence you can focus on your breathing and your heart beat. You can hear yourself think.
“A writer needs certain conditions in which to work and create art. She needs a piece of time; a peace of mind; a quiet place…”~Margaret Walker

What new places have you found to create art?

2 thoughts on “Thinking Inside the box”

  1. Charlotte Dixon

    Wish I could be in a sauna, but that’s out at my place. I guess my quiet place is in my bed before I fall asleep. I’ve resolved revision issues, found unexpected story ideas in dreams, and writing may not have been on my mind at all. Seems like my brain-tinker free-wheels, but I’m always listening 🙂

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