What’s Your purpose? What gets you up in the morning?

“If you don’t know where you’re going, it doesn’t matter which way you go.”
~Cheshire Cat, Alice in Wonderland

What is your passion? Your purpose? Your calling? What gets you up in the morning and makes your heart pound with anticipation? For me, it’s my writing. From pen and paper to the keyboard, my days are filled with the process of bringing stories to life and working towards publication. 

How do you focus and make the most of your vocation? How do you accomplish your goals? The answer starts with writing a personal mission statement. Your mission statement gives a spotlight on what is important to you, the direction you will take to accomplish it, and who will benefit. A mission statement can help you remember why you do what you do! Your mission statement can grow and change with you.

These are the steps I followed.

1. I read personal mission statements.

“To serve as a leader, live a balanced life, and apply ethical principles to make a significant difference.” Denise Morrison, CEO of Campbell Soup Company

“To live each day with courage, compassion, and curiosity; to become a better version of myself each day, and to inspire others in my path to do the same.” Kara Benz

2. Brainstorm and make a word bank.

nurture, compassion, kindness, empathy, creative process, playfulness, motivation, positive energy, writing, imagination, community, contributor, voice, magic of words, readers,  heart/mind connection, universal truths, emergent writers, workshops.

3. Keep it brief. (30 words or less.)  

My mission is to ignite imagination and nurture empathy through writing stories, to engage emergent writers in finding their voice, and to be a positive motivator in the kid-lit community. 

Live your passion. Know where you are going. Accomplish your goals. Share your personal mission statements in the comments.   

2 thoughts on “What’s Your purpose? What gets you up in the morning?”

  1. Charlotte Dixon

    Beautiful website, Janie. Your heart and wisdom shine with inspiration for everyone. Congratulations to my amazing CP!

  2. Charlotte it takes a village–and you are part of mine. Thanks for being there CP❤️

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